Poll: Help Define The Direction of The Budget Retirement Blog

Today is Day 4 in the life of the Budget Retirement blog and I am thrilled to say that there are already 30 Facebook followers and 48 Budget Retirement blog followers!  That is an amazing response in such a short timeframe! A big thank you to each and everyone of you who have clicked the blue “Follow Budget Retirement” button or followed on Facebook! It says to me that people are either retiring on a tighter budget than anticipated these days or are simply interested in making their money stretch further. It also confirms that Budget Retirement as a topic is current and of interest.

As a new blogger, I am interested in knowing what topics my readers are interested in reading about and, as a means of collecting those opinions, I have created this poll. The success of any blog depends on posts being shared with friends, family and colleagues and that happens when content is relevant to the readers. To that end, I am asking for your help in defining the direction that this blog will head by taking the brief poll below.  I appreciate your input!


Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Have you clicked the Follow Budget Retirement button yet? Your follow would be appreciated!